Friday, December 15, 2006

Vitamin E Can Help With Symptoms Of Menopause

Menopause, menopause symptoms and natural alternatives to HRT
Vitamin E is also helpful for vaginal dryness and one study showed that just ... They need to be supplemented around the menopause because they can help ...
You can help prevent osteoporosis by getting enough vitamin D through sunlight ... Although menopause can cause some uncomfortable symptoms, both lifestyle ...
Easing the transition to menopause with vitamin E and soy ...
The good news is that women have many natural choices that can help ... to control menopause symptoms may find a level of relief with vitamin E supplements. ...
Menopause: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
A woman can experience a variety of menopause symptoms, which occur during ... Vitamin E can help, as can Kegel exercises, which help restore elasticity. ...
Another clinical trial is examining whether vitamin E and/or selenium ... estrogen used by women to treat the symptoms of menopause also protects the brain. ...
Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet
The NIA-funded Memory Impairment Study compared donepezil, vitamin E, ... estrogen used by women to treat the symptoms of menopause also protects the brain. ...
The Menopause, Naturally - Symptoms
Low hormone levels at the menopause can cause the walls of the vagina to become thinner. ... Foods high in vitamin E may also help reduce dryness. ...
Alternative Treatments to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause ...
Vitamin E can help reduce and eliminate Recommended usage is to start with ... The next alternative treatment to help reduce the symptoms of menopause is to ...
Natural Remedies for the Symptoms of Menopause - Associated Content
The transitional time of menopause can produce symptoms that range from mildly irritating ... For physical fatigue you can try vitamin B complex, vitamin E, ...
Breast cancer and menopausal symptoms : Cancerbackup
An early menopause can increase your risk of bone thinning ... Vitamin E may help to reduce the frequency of hot flushes, and has very few side effects. ...
Natural Remedies
They can help when and if symptoms arise again (something that has happened ... Vitamin E and Citrus Bioflavonoids: This combination is a hot-flash buster ...
To treat the symptoms of menopause, some researchers recommend you take at least ... Vitamin E. What it Can Do For You:. Can help prevent and treat vaginal ...
Natural Menopause Methods
Menopause symptoms can range from none to many and last for varying lengths of time ... Vitamin, Mineral and Supplement therapy can help support the body in ...
Isoflavones can help such menopausal symptoms as hot flashes and other ... Vitamin A 10000 IU Vitamin C 550 mg Vitamin D 400 IU Vitamin E 100 IU 500% ...
Adult Health Advisor 2005.4: Menopause
To treat menopause symptoms and help prevent osteoporosis (a thinning and weakening of bones), ... It can help to take calcium supplements with vitamin D. ...
Hot flashes: Minimize discomfort during menopause -
Vitamin E. Vitamin E � ingested in doses up to 400 international units (IU) ... If you choose to take medication or a supplement to help ease your symptoms, ...
Menopause, Nutritional therapy, Hormone Replacement Osteoporosis ...
Food sources of vitamin E include broccoli, nuts and tomatoes. Boron. Boron can help to soften menopausal symptoms. It appears to work by increasing the ...
These cancer therapies can induce menopause, causing symptoms such as hot ... Vitamin E. This vitamin occasionally provides relief from mild hot flashes for ...
Introduction: Menopause: Merck Manual Home Edition
Other Drugs: Several other types of drugs can help reduce the severity of some of the symptoms associated with menopause. ClonidineSome Trade Names CATAPRES ...
What are the Symptoms of Menopause and How to Make Them Stop :: an ...
Taking Genistein and Daidzein can help replace the estrogen naturally, meaning there ... Vitamin E (200 IU) � To help reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot ...
Menopause Natural Care from Complementary Healthcare
Discover how reflexology can help with menopause symptoms. ... Vitamin E : Several studies report significant reductions in hot flushes with vitamin E ...
Dr. Hotze � Blog Archive � The Menopause/Thyroid Connection
Vitamin E � Zinc Any complete program to deal with perimenopause and menopause ... A knowledgeable practitioner can help guide you in developing an overall ...
FIRSTConsult - Menopause - Patient Education File
Taking vitamin E and vitamin C plus hesperidin may also help. ... While having symptoms of the menopause, you can help yourself feel better if you: . ...
Power Surge - Menopause Symptoms, Menopause Treatments and ...
Do the best you can because nobody can help YOU through this transition as much as ... Vitamin E has been shown to be excellent for menopausal symptoms, ...
Information About Menopause
Research on Vitamin E shows that it can help prevent heart attacks, Alzheimer's disease, ... What then is the best way to treat the symptoms of menopause? ...
Menopause symptoms and solutions
In severe cases, laser surgery can help. Check with your doctor. ... Topical estrogen cream, vitamin E suppositories, systemic estrogen therapy, ...

there are medications that can help control symptoms of the disease. ... vitamin E; Aricept (donepezil), an AD treatment drug; and placebo ...
Menopause - Table of Contents
Regular sexual activity, once or twice per week, can help to keep the ... Vitamin E: is believed to reduce menopausal symptoms, particularly hot flashes. ...
Menopause Resource Center
Vitamin E. Dietary vitamin E reduces the risk of heart disease. ... Black cohosh preparations can effectively relieve menopause symptoms, but won�t help ...
Menopause - healing with herbs, vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin E: Can help control hot flashes, increase the production of hormones, ... to help combat both the physical and psychological symptoms of menopause ...
Symptoms of menopause can very widely from woman to woman. ... Getting enough calcium and vitamin D can help prevent osteoporosis, which is associated with ...
Nutrition - Menopause Health Information Organization - Vancouver ...
Vitamin E is also good for helping with vaginal dryness (you can even use ... high in phytoestrogens, flaxseed can help minimize symptoms like hot flashes. ...
Health Products and healthy living
400 �800 units of vitamin E have shown to help alleviate hot flashes for some. ... Exercise will help elevate many common symptoms of PMS and Menopause and ...
WHFoods: Tofu
Additionally, most types of tofu are enriched with calcium, which can help prevent the accelerated bone loss for which women are at risk during menopause. ...

Stigmas For Menopause

by Dawn Olsen

One of the problems some women have associated with the change of life is all the stigmas for menopause. Because of this, we wanted to write an article that would talk about the various misconceptions associated with menopause. First, there is peri-menopause, which is when menopause begins, typically between age 40 and 50. With this, you would start to notice changes. Interestingly, some of the initial symptoms are so subtle that you are not even aware you are starting into menopause until your doctor or a family member mentions it. The first symptom is usually a missed period, late period, or heavier or lighter than normal period. From that point, a number of other things occur.

For example, you may notice that you are moodier than usual, do not sleep as well, lose or gain weight, have trouble with aches and pains, and start to experience night sweats and hot flashes. Typically, this is when you start to think that something is in fact going on with your body. All of these symptoms are caused by a reduction in the hormone, estrogen. Once you have been in this stage, called peri-menopause, which last between three and ten years, you move to the next stage, which begins after you have gone without a monthly cycle for a full 12 months. Generally, the overwhelming symptoms start to fade. By understanding the truth behind menopause and the various stages, you can then understand the stigmas of menopause.

One of the main stigmas for menopause is that it will not begin until a woman reaches her early 50s. While it is true that some women will head into menopause around age 50, 51 or 52, most women are in their late 40s and sometimes earlier. Another thing people believe that is simply not true is that menopause lasts around a year. Oh, women would be jumping up and down rejoicing if there were the case but unfortunately, it is not! Typically, menopause will last anywhere from three to ten years, sometimes less and unfortunately, sometimes more. Keep in mind that does not automatically mean she will have all the symptoms or difficult symptoms the entire time, although she could. In most cases, the menopause will start out gradually and then reach a few years when everything is challenging but with the right treatment, the symptoms do not have to be overpowering.

Probably one of the most unsettling stigmas for menopause is that the woman simply needs to take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and everything will be fine. For years, women around the world were taking HRT and actually had fewer symptoms but as more and more in-depth studies have been performed it has come out in the past few years that HRT is actually very dangerous. Although there might be some cases when HRT is prescribed, these studies show us that HRT can actually lead to a number of cancers. Therefore, while HRT is certainly one option for treating the symptoms of menopause, it generally would be the last option to consider. Instead, new drugs and natural remedies have been used, most with great success.

Now, speaking of dangerous, another stigma for menopause is that once a women starts in to the years of menopause, she can no longer become pregnant. You would be amazed at how many �menopausal� babies there are running around the world. The truth here is that during peri-menopause, the years when the woman still ovulates and has a period, she can still become pregnant. Although the level of estrogen hormone is decreasing, many times a high enough level exists that pregnancy happens. Therefore, if you are finished having your family or do not want children at all, do not assume that because you are in the menopausal years, you are safe. In this case, you would need to keep taking birth control or use other forms of protection to ensure you are not surprised nine months later with a little bundle of joy.

For some reason, there is also the stigma for menopause that this is somehow connected to the �empty nest syndrome� when all the children are finally out of the house. The belief here is that the depression associated with menopause is the depression of the children no longer being around and the woman becoming older. The bottom line is that menopause does produce depression in some women. However, the only connection would be that the depression already begin experienced may be temporarily magnified because of the children leaving but nothing more.

Finally, a disconcerting stigma for menopause is that this natural process of a woman�s life does not have any consequences or does not need to be treated, that it will simply go away in time. Well, when the body stops producing normal amounts of the hormone estrogen, many things change. For starters, this places the woman at greater risk for Alzheimer�s disease, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, heart disease, tooth loss, vaginal and/or urethral atrophy, Parkinson�s disease, impaired vision, some forms of cancer, and diabetes.

The important thing to understand is that for the woman going through menopause, the longer she goes without being properly treated the greater risk. Therefore, if you are a woman going into menopause, rather than listen to things that could be stigmas for menopause, you need to talk to a knowledge doctor that is up on all the latest news to get the best treatment possible. While menopausal years are difficult, they do not have to be miserable.

Author Dawn M. Olsen takes the subject of
menopause relief to
the next level through education, diet, and the latest in alternative remedies
in her new eBook "Menopause A to Z - A Definitive Guide to Modern Menopause",
available online now at

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