Monday, December 18, 2006

The Natural Menopause Cookbook Ease Your Symptoms With Over

The Natural Menopause Cookbook: Ease Your Symptoms with Over 70 ...
The Natural Menopause Cookbook: Ease Your Symptoms with Over 70 Delicious Recipes by Jefferson, Angie and Hunter, Fiona. List Price $14.95 ...
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The natural menopause cookbook : ease your symptoms with over 70 delicious recipes. By:, Angie Jefferson; Fiona Hunter. Type:, English : Book : Non-fiction ...
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The Natural Menopause Cookbook: Ease Your Symptoms with Over 70 Delicious Recipes. Angie Jefferson, Fiona Hunter ( February 15, 2004 ) ...
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The Natural Menopause Cookbook : Ease Your Symptoms With over 70 Delicious Recipes cover The Natural Menopause Cookbook : Ease Your Symptoms With over 70 ...
0600610977 : The Natural Menopause Cookbook: Ease Your Symptoms With over 70 Delicious Recipes : Jefferson, Angie; Hunter, Fiona ...
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Menopause: Men Don't Want To Read This

by Lorraine Roach

When you suffer from anxiety there are many times when attacks occur.

Thinking back on the women I have spoken with in the last 5 years about their experiences pre and post menopause, it comes back to a common word.

ANXIETY..... I wondered if the word was being over used or misused in a way to combine a number of feelings .

Maybe it was just easier to say " I felt anxious" when we were asked about this very personal subject.

Most of the women had many of the symptoms of menopause in common. I suppose that was to be expected as we share the same gender.

Some of them were anxious before they began the menopause because they didn't understand what would happen ,or they had listened to other women talk about their experiences (some of which were not that pleasant).

Perhap we were getting at least some of the anxiety we felt from people and other sources.

Reading some books if they were written in the past might have given incomplete,as well as "Old Wives Tales" information.

I have read a few and they really send you into a state of panic with the things written in there!

Fortunately we have "Come a long way baby" since our mothers and grandmothers went through their menopause.

We say ..going through, as if it was a door or tunnel that had to be gone through before we could complete our life journey.

Women who needed operations for a number of reasons got to "go through" sooner rather than later.

It isn't any easier for them to experience and perhaps much harder to have it forced upon them for medical reasons.

I can't imagine the way a person must feel when they are 28 years old and are put into "instant menopause". It is something so few of us can fathom.

Even if you were 49 and this happend to you, there would be no good time to have a surgical procedure done that took away the natural course of the life cycle.

There are literally thousands of stories about this one subject, because we are all individuals with our own tolerence levels and our own backgrounds,along with cultural, religious and political opinions.

I seem to come back to this theory that no matter what brings on the anxiety and panic ,we can use our minds to stear us through that door or tunnel when we need to take care of ourselves .

It is there to guide us with all it's knowledge after years of information being programmed in.

Do you not believe that your mind knows you better than anyone else could?

Use this free resourse each day and trust it ,because you will be trusting the best freind you've got.

Besides... You never have to worry that you forgot to bring your resourse with you and there is always access to it.

Your mind is open 24 hours a day ,7 days a week.

The best part is, as I've said, it is Free Access and your mind keeps all this to itself. Not like when you tell someone and perhaps the gossip mill begins.

Remember....Keep an open mind. It is there to help if we listen to our inner voice.

"For 40 years, 7 months, 4 days and 3.9 hours I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks - especially after my heart attack on August 12th, 5:00am EST 2006. As a result of my suffering, I decided I would go on a crusade to reveal the most powerful, most effective and most successful system for living an Anxiety and Panic Free Life." - Lorraine Roach, Founder Visit: to discover what 99.2% of ALL anxiety and panic sufferers do wrong, and how to make sure YOU avoid it.

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